The quicker you realise that life is not set in stone, and that working in a role that doesn’t fulfill you can be changed, the happier you will become. If you’re unsure of whether or not you should quit your job, you should consider these five reasons, as they could change your life for the betteR.

You feel overworked and underappreciated:
In many companies, the priority is to make money, rather to retain employees, which is why poor treatment in the workplace is something that is experienced by almost all of us. Feeling underappreciated can stem from anything from your extra effort not being acknowledged from your superiors, to being paid considerably less than your worth, with no possibility of a pay rise.

It only takes a quick Google search to find out that you are being paid less than the national average, and if this is the case, then everything you do for the company can make you feel increasingly bitter and undervalued. Money isn’t the only reason that people go to work, but regardless of how much you love your job and how much energy you put into it, the feeling of underappreciation chips away at you eventually.

You are experiencing wanderlust:
Wanderlust is the urge to go and see the world, it’s a feeling that can’t be pushed to the back of your mind and consequently makes you feel trapped if you choose to stay and work. Saving up to travel the world can be a time consuming process and can be a difficult feat, but there are tricks and tips that you can follow to make sure you have enough money on your travels.

If you commit to travelling the world, you have quit your job, booked your tickets but fear that you won’t have enough money, then why not consider becoming a freelancer? Play to your strengths when you are travelling, whether that’s teaching, writing or even becoming a photographer, but also make sure that you are protecting yourself in the process, by taking out contractors insurance – as delayed checks and empty employer promises will not fund your travels.

There is no room to progress:
You may love your company and feel really comfortable in your role, but there comes a time where you are ready to progress and if there is no room for you to do so, then it could be a huge mistake to stay where you are. Some companies simply do not have the room or resources for you to grow, which means that you hit a glass ceiling within your career, and other companies refuse to acknowledge your potential.

If you stay where you are, then you run the risk of becoming complacent, and will eventually become unhappy within your work environment, so it’s important to consider what is important to you within your professional career and how long you are willing to stay at the same level.

You don’t feel supported in your role:
If you’re dealing with challenges within the workplace, do you feel comfortable and supported enough to speak to your peers or your supervisors? Do you feel that you get the support that you need from them, or do you feel that you are carrying the burden of workplace stress alone?

If you feel unsupported, then quitting will seem like a more appealing option. Workplace relationships may be insignificant in the “real world”, but if you have broken relationships within the workplace, whenever you are at work, you could begin to feel isolated and miserable.

Your role changes:
It’s always important to be given the opportunity to grow and develop within your career, but you need to make sure that the role change is right for you. Sometimes businesses force their employees to take on responsibility of entirely new roles which they did not sign up for.

If your not happy with the direction that your job is going in, then always remember that you have the strength, the resources and the right to make a new path.

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