Photo Credit: File Photo

In the glitzy world of celebrities, what's inside their bags often becomes a subject of fascination and intrigue. Recently, during an interview with British Vogue's "In the Bag" segment on YouTube, rising star Tyla surprised fans by revealing an eclectic mix of essentials tucked away in her handbag. From practical items to sentimental treasures, here's a glimpse into the world of Tyla through the lens of her bag.

The most unexpected item to emerge from Tyla's bag was a packet of maize meal, a staple in South African cuisine. With a touch of humor, she explained that maize meal is used to make pap, a traditional dish consisting of maize meal, hot water, and salt. Despite acknowledging pap as a workout to prepare, Tyla praised it as a hearty and satisfying meal, offering a glimpse into her cultural roots.

Among the more conventional essentials in Tyla's bag was her passport, a testament to her jet-setting lifestyle. Reflecting on her travels, she fondly recalled Greece as her favorite destination, highlighting the unexpected charm of the Mediterranean country. To add flavor to her meals while on the go, Tyla carries Tabasco sauce, a nod to her preference for spicy food and her struggle with bland cuisine while traveling.

Sunglasses are a must-have accessory for Tyla, serving both functional and fashionable purposes. Whether she'ss seeking anonymity or shielding her eyes from the sun, Tyla relies on sunglasses to complete her look. Similarly, her collection of Tyla merch helps her balance out her outfits and connect with her fans, affectionately known as Tygers.

A custom-made Vaseline adorned with her name holds sentimental value for Tyla, while practical items like tangled earphones and a variety of nuts reflect her everyday preferences and habits. Tyla's transition from a sweet tooth to a lover of nuts underscores her evolving tastes and commitment to a healthier lifestyle.

Other essentials in Tyla's bag include beauty products like lip-gloss, perfume, and hand cream, showcasing her attention to personal grooming and self-care. A Polaroid photo from a music video shoot and truth or dare cards inspired by her song add a touch of
whimsy and nostalgia to her collection.

At the end of the interview, Tyla humorously acknowledged the randomness of her bag's contents, particularly the packet of maize meal. Yet, beneath the surface of this seemingly disparate assortment lies a reflection of Tyla's multifaceted personality, blending elements of culture, travel, style, and self-expression.

In sharing the contents of her bag, Tyla offers fans a glimpse into her world, revealing not only the items she carries but also the stories and memories they evoke. From South African traditions to international adventures, Tyla's bag serves as a window into
the vibrant tapestry of her life.

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