Facebook has imposed a ban on a dozen far-right individuals and organisations that it says "spread hate".

The ban includes the British National Party and Nick Griffin, the English Defence League and the National Front.

The list also includes Britain First, which was already banned, but this latest action will prohibit support for it on any of the US firm's services.

It said it had taken the action because those involved had proclaimed a "violent or hateful mission".

"Individuals and organisations who spread hate, or attack or call for the exclusion of others on the basis of who they are, have no place on Facebook," the social network added in a statement.

The ban includes:

The British National Party and its ex-leader Nick Griffin

Britain First, its leader Paul Golding and former deputy leader Jayda Fransen

English Defence League and its founding member Paul Ray

Knights Templar International and its promoter Jim Dowson

National Front and its leader Tony Martin

Jack Renshaw, a neo-Nazi who plotted to murder a Labour MP

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