Photo Credit:Zap Energy

In a world where clean energy is more important than ever, a company called Zap Energy is making headlines with a big leap in fusion technology. Their new device, the FuZe, has reached temperatures as hot as the sun’s core. This is a big deal because it could lead to cheap and clean energy for everyone.

For a long time, scientists have been trying to make fusion work, as it is what powers the sun and stars. It majorly happens when two light atoms join together to make a heavier one, releasing a lot of energy in the process. This energy could be used to make electricity without the pollution that comes from burning coal, oil, or gas.

But fusion is hard to do on Earth. It requires very high temperatures and pressures to attain the best conditions, and everything has to be just right for it to keep going. One of the problems has been that the electrons, which are part of the atoms, cool down too quickly. This cooling stops the plasma, which is like a super-hot gas, from getting hot enough for fusion.

Zap Energy has found a way to keep the plasma hot longer. They use something called sheared-flow stabilization. It’s like adding a special flow to the plasma that helps keep it stable and hot. This could solve one of the big challenges in making fusion work.

The International Atomic Energy Agency, which looks after nuclear stuff around the world, says fusion could give us a lot of clean energy that doesn’t run out. It’s been a dream since the 1930s, but no one has been able to make it work for real yet.

Zap Energy’s FuZe is different from other fusion devices because it doesn’t need big magnets or lasers, which are expensive and take a long time to build. The company’s boss, Benj Conway, says their way is cheaper and could be ready sooner.

Their next device, the Fuze-Q, will be even more powerful. It’s going to have ten times more energy than the FuZe. That’s like going from a small car to a big truck in terms of power.

While we wait for fusion to become a real thing, we can use other clean energy sources like solar panels. These don’t make pollution and can help slow down climate change. Climate change is a big problem because it’s making the Earth too hot. This heat causes bad weather like droughts and floods.

Zap Energy started from work at the Department of Energy and the University of Washington. They’re using electricity to make magnetic fields that heat and squeeze the plasma. The vice president of the company, Ben Levitt, says it’s a tricky balance, but they’re getting closer to making a stable and powerful fusion reaction.

So, what does all this mean for us? Well, if Zap Energy or other companies can make fusion work, we could have a lot of clean energy that doesn’t harm the planet. It would be a big change from the dirty energy we use now, which is causing so much pollution and climate change.

For now, we can look at solar panels and other clean technologies that are already here. But in the future, fusion could be the thing that really makes a difference. It’s an exciting time for energy, and we’ll have to wait and see what happens next.

Ig @mannu mwendwa.

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