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The world’s first artificial intelligence beauty contest has been launched by the Fanvue World of AI Creator Awards (WAICAs), with a host of AI-generated images and influencers who will be competing for a share of $20,000.

The participants will be judged according to various factors, including their appearance, the classic aspects of pageantry, including their beauty, poise, and unique answers to a series of questions. The use of AI tools will also be considered, as will the skill and implementation of AI tools used, including the use of prompts and visual detailing around hands and eyes. Finally, their social media clout will also be a determinant, based on their number of fans, rate of audience growth, and utilization of other platforms such as Instagram. 

Participants are to submit their creations and answer a series of questions. The contestants will be whittled down to a top 10 before the final three are announced at an online awards ceremony next month. The winner will leave with $5,000 cash and an Imagine Creator mentorship program worth $3,000. The co-founder, Will Monanage, says that he hopes it will be the Oscar of the AI creator community. 

The panel of judges will include Britain’s pageant historian Sally Ann Fawcett, one of the two human judges, as well as AI models Emily Pelligrini and Aitana Lopez, a pink-haired fake Spanish model who earns up to €10,000 a month for her male creator by modeling clothing for brands. 

Fawcett said in a recent interview with the British outlet, the Daily Mail, that “as one of the world’s only traditional pageantry historians, it is really exciting to be involved in awards that feel so futuristic.” 

Amidst all the concerns that AI is threatening job security and artistic professions, this move into the pageant industry just feels like the organizers have come up with’considering real beauty pageants are criticized for dehumanizing women, so let’s have contestants that aren’t humans to begin with’as Bright Sparks says. 

There is also the fact that a pageant of this nature further exacerbates unrealistic beauty standards through now computer-generated ‘perfection’ And there’s no Mr. AI competition yet, reinforcing once again a misogynistic streak to the gender beauty norms. 

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