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Cuban's criticisms have not been limited to fiscal matters. He has taken to Twitter to taunt Trump, responding to the president's attacks with a simple "Lol" and sharing email exchanges that highlight his declining opinion of Trump over time. Cuban's stance is a mix of personal anecdotes and policy disagreements, painting a picture of a deteriorating relationship turned rivalry.
In a public appearance, Cuban remarked on Trump's efficiency, or lack thereof, in handling communications, saying, "His idea of efficiency is I would send him emails, his assistant would print it, he would write on it, and he would scan it," further implying that Trump's technological savvy leaves much to be desired.
Cuban's commentary extends beyond mere words. He has positioned himself as a potential political contender, suggesting that he may run for president against Trump, which, according to insiders, is the White House's "biggest fear" due to Cuban's appeal to a similar voter base.
Cuban continues to be a thorn in Trump's side, using his platform to challenge the former president's policies and personal conduct. Whether through financial disclosures or witty retorts, Cuban's jabs at Trump remain a significant part of the political discourse.

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