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More than four years after her initial visit to meet then-President Donald Trump, Kim Kardashian returned to the White House. On Thursday, April 25, the 43-year-old star of "The Kardashians" engaged in a roundtable discussion alongside Vice President Kamala Harris, White House Public Engagement Director Steve Benjamin, and several recently pardoned former inmates. The purpose was to delve into the topic of criminal justice reform.

Opening the session, Harris commended Kardashian for her advocacy efforts on behalf of prisoners in the United States. "I want to express gratitude to Kim for your activism and for leveraging your platform to spotlight the significance of advocating for second chances," remarked Harris in a video of the meeting shared by the White House on YouTube.

Throughout the discussion, Kardashian and Harris delved into the SKIMS founder's past endeavors, including her lobbying efforts aimed at persuading Trump to grant clemency to incarcerated individuals. In 2018, Kardashian gained widespread attention for successfully advocating for Trump to pardon Alice Marie Johnson, an Alabama woman serving a life sentence for a nonviolent drug offense. She continued her efforts by championing the cause of numerous inmates who were either wrongfully convicted or subjected to unduly severe sentences nationwide, even intervening to secure stays of execution for death row inmates.

"I feel incredibly honored to be here today to listen to your narratives, which I believe are essential to share and amplify, as there are countless individuals in situations similar to yours who could benefit from the inspiration," Kardashian expressed, addressing the recently pardoned panelists, including Beverly Holcy, Jason Hernandez, Bobby Darrell Lowery, and Jesse Mosley, as reported by USA Today. "I'm simply here to provide assistance and raise awareness."

Harris also voiced her desire to reduce or pardon sentences for certain offenses, particularly those related to marijuana. "For instance, regarding marijuana, we have granted pardons for all federal convictions related to simple marijuana possession," she stated, citing the Biden administration's efforts on the matter. "Many of you have heard me express my belief that individuals shouldn't be incarcerated for using marijuana. These pardons reflect that perspective."

As per the report, Kardashian additionally reflected on how her advocacy work had "inspired" her to pursue a legal career. "It was actually in this very room several years ago during my initial clemency meeting that I felt a surge of inspiration to embark on a journey," disclosed Kardashian. "With limited knowledge at the time, I was motivated to enroll in law school and further my education to explore how I could contribute."

In May 2019, Kardashian disclosed her preparations for the bar exam, following the footsteps of her late father, Robert Kardashian, renowned for his role in O.J. Simpson's 1995 murder trial. By December of the same year, she proudly announced her successful completion of the "baby bar" exam.


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