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The hit reality series “Dance Moms” has left an indelible mark on television history. For eight seasons, viewers were captivated by the world of competitive dance and the drama that unfolded behind the scenes. Recently, the original cast members reunited for a special two-hour event, “Dance Moms: The Reunion,” which premiered on Lifetime.

The special event unveiled the enduring relationships among the OG moms despite their public clashes. Notably, a group text chat exists among Holly, Kelly, Christi, Jill, and Melissa, showcasing their enduring connection. Melissa, though absent from the reunion, remains a part of the group chat, indicating a level of friendship beyond the show's drama.

Christi Lukasiak, who couldn't attend due to work commitments, remarked, "There were many years that we would not have had the group chat. I think we needed to put some distance between us, but the pop culture phenomenon of it all has put us in touch again."

The bond among the Dance Moms cast goes beyond the on-screen drama, as revealed by JoJo Siwa and others in interviews. JoJo highlighted the lively group chat, sharing, "I don't respond, but I die laughing about what they said. Do you have a hairspray? Does anyone have a nail clipper?' I was like, 'You girls.'' This friendship, described as a "trauma bond" by Kalani Hilliker, shows the depth of their connection forged through shared experiences on the show.

 Kalani emphasized, "It's a family thing. We even talk to each other's mothers. People don't even realize how close we are. So I always think it's funny when people write so many negative things about us and our relationships with each other because we are all so close and everything that what other people say, it doesn't matter, because we've gone through so much together, our moms, us, everything."

The reunion special provided an opportunity for reflection and closure for some cast members. Kelly Hyland reflected on the impact of the show on her marriage, saying, "It definitely put a strain on the relationship." Despite the challenges, the reunion was viewed as therapeutic, allowing them to revisit the past and find solace in reconnecting with their former castmates. Brooke Hyland shared, "We cried, like, every segment. There was a lot of tears. But also a lot of laughs."

Looking beyond the reunion, the cast members have continued to thrive in their respective endeavors. From Maddie Ziegler's successful acting career to Chloe Lukasiak's dance competition venture, each member has carved out a unique path post-Dance Moms. Chloe Lukasiak, reflecting on her journey, stated, "I missed dance, and I wanted to find a way to get back to something I had loved so much." Their experiences on the show, while hard at times, have contributed to their personal growth and resilience.

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