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In an outtake from the June 6 episode of The Kardashians, Kendall Jenner, 28, shared insights about her dinner with Golden Bachelor star Gerry Turner, 72, and her mom, Kris Jenner, 68. When asked by producers about Gerry's interactions with Kris, Kendall confirmed that Gerry was indeed flirting with her mom, commenting on her smile, eyes, and energy. Kendall jokingly added, "I'm like, I think we should leave, like, I don't know!"

Producers also asked Kris about Gerry's flirtations, to which she responded with a laugh, "Hey Gerry, I have a boyfriend. OK? Oh lord!"

Earlier in the episode, Kris explained her reasons for inviting Gerry to dinner, noting Kendall's obsession with The Golden Bachelor. "Kendall is a huge fan and absolutely obsessed with Gerry," she said. "I'm a huge fan too! Can't be more excited."

Kendall attended the dinner with her friend Hannah Cohen and praised her mom's efforts to arrange the special evening. "My mom, in her Kris Jenner ways, figured it out, pulled some strings with Disney and Hulu, and got Gerry to come over for dinner while the season is airing," Kendall said. She told Hannah it was "the most excited I've been in a really long time."

During the dinner, the trio chatted about Gerry's family and attempted to FaceTime his daughters, who are fans of Kris and Kendall. The Jenners then asked Gerry questions about his time on the show. Kris joked, "Mark my words, by the end of this dinner, I will absolutely know who the winner is."

After dinner, the group moved to the living room to watch the latest episode. Kendall later revealed to cameras, "I saw things that I shouldn't have seen." She told Hannah, "I saw his phone! He called her like, five times... I saw his call log!"

Kendall continued, "I know who wins, I think, because I've seen some things I shouldn't have seen," noting that she saw the winner's name while her mom was helping Gerry with his phone. She confirmed to producers that it was Theresa Nist who won The Golden Bachelor. "Unless he knows another woman by this name and he's calling her all day long, but I don't think that's the case!"

Reflecting on the experience, Kendall added, "I felt like I was looking through a boyfriend's phone and saw things I shouldn't have seen. My heart dropped when I saw her name."

As fans know, Gerry proposed to Theresa in the finale of The Golden Bachelor. The two married in January 2024 in a live, televised wedding on ABC but announced their divorce three months later. The former couple told Good Morning America that they mutually decided it was time to dissolve their marriage due to disagreements on where to live, given their commitments to their families.

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