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Vanna White television's most recognizable letter turner, delivered a heartfelt tribute to her longtime co-host, Pat Sajak, on the eve of his retirement from "Wheel of Fortune."

During Thursday's episode, a special video montage chronicled Sajak and White's incredible journey together, spanning over four decades. The clip showcased their on-screen chemistry and camaraderie, evolving from their early days in the 1980s to the present.

Fighting back tears, White expressed her deep appreciation for Sajak, not just as a colleague but as a cherished friend. "You're like a brother to me," she said, "and a true lifelong friend who I will always adore."

Beyond the laughter and shared memories on camera, White emphasized the deep bond they forged off-screen: "Those memories, milestones and life events we shared with our families, outside the studio, are my favorite."

Their friendship transcended the game show stage. White reminisced about watching their children grow up together, their shared travels, and countless meals shared. "We've laughed, we've cried, we've celebrated," she shared, encapsulating the depth of their connection.

The emotional tribute culminated in a warm embrace between Sajak and White on stage, a poignant moment symbolizing the end of an era.

Sajak and White have been a cornerstone of American television since joining "Wheel of Fortune" in 1982. Holding the record for one of the longest-running duos in game show history, they have graced our screens for over 8,000 episodes.

Sajak announced his retirement last year, concluding his tenure with the 2023-24 season. White, however, extended her contract, ensuring a smooth transition for the new host, Ryan Seacrest. She will remain for the next two seasons, guiding Seacrest through his initial years behind the wheel.

Seacrest expressed his immense respect for Sajak and White's legacy: "It's been a privilege and pure joy to watch Pat and Vanna for an unprecedented 40 years."

Sajak's final episode will mark the end of an era, but the memories of his legendary partnership with Vanna White will undoubtedly endure.

Jeff Ian

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