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Kit Harington, best known for his iconic role as Jon Snow in the hit series Game of Thrones, has recently opened up about his journey to sobriety, shedding light on the changes it has brought him. In a candid interview, Harington shared his struggles with addiction and the transformative power of getting sober, offering hope and inspiration to many.
Harington's journey to sobriety began in 2019 when he sought treatment in rehab for addiction. Reflecting on his past, Harington described the deep self-loathing he experienced during his addiction saying, "I would stare in the mirror and call myself a c**t. I'd hate myself. I would literally despise myself and not be proud of anything I'd done. I couldn't be proud."
The decision to get sober was not an easy one, but it was a necessary step for Harington. He emphasized the importance of getting sober before having children, stating, "I was so lucky I got sober before having kids," adding that at one point, it felt "physically and emotionally impossible for me not to drink again." This decision has not only transformed his life but also allowed him to be a better partner and parent.
He acknowledged the uncertainty that comes with recovery, admitting, "I might have one massive, messy, chaotic relapse. And I hope that doesn't happen. But I think I protect myself by talking about it." By sharing his story, Harington hopes to offer support and encouragement to others who might be struggling with addiction.
One of the most significant changes Harington has experienced since getting sober is a newfound sense of pride in his accomplishments. "The fact that I am proud of getting sober is in and of itself a mark of being an entirely different person. And now, every set I step onto, whatever work I do, I'm proud of, because I know I put everything into it." 
Harington's journey to sobriety has also had a positive impact on his mental health. He previously revealed that he sought therapy in between seasons five and six of Game of Thrones, highlighting the importance of mental health support in his recovery. 
By speaking openly about his struggles and his journey to sobriety, Harington hopes to break the stigma surrounding addiction and mental health. "I hope that by sharing my story, I can offer hope to those who are struggling, showing that it's possible to lead a 'really, really genuinely happy, content life' after addiction and can't imagine going back to what I [would be] going back to"

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