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Tina Peters, a former Colorado county clerk, has been sentenced to nine years in prison for her role in illegally tampering with voting machines, an incident tied to baseless claims of widespread voter fraud during the 2020 U.S. presidential election. Peters, a vocal supporter of former President Donald Trump, was convicted of seven counts related to the unauthorized access of Mesa County's election equipment.

During the sentencing hearing, Judge Matthew Barrett condemned Peters for abusing her position and undermining public trust in the electoral process. "You are no hero," Barrett stated, calling her a "charlatan" who betrayed her oath of office and perpetuated falsehoods for personal and political gain.

Peters' case stems from a security breach at her office, where election equipment passwords were leaked online via a right-wing blog. The breach led to a lengthy investigation, culminating in her conviction. Despite the evidence against her, Peters remained defiant during the trial, asserting that her actions were intended to protect Mesa County's voters.

Her sentencing comes just weeks before the 2024 U.S. presidential election, highlighting ongoing tensions related to claims of election fraud. Trump, who is running for president again, continues to falsely allege that his 2020 loss was the result of fraudulent activity, despite these claims being debunked numerous times.

Barrett denied Peters' request for probation, stressing that her actions posed a significant threat to democracy. "Prison is where we send people who are a danger to all of us," he remarked, emphasizing the severity of her crimes.

Peters' sentencing serves as a reminder of the consequences of undermining election integrity and the importance of safeguarding democratic institutions from those who seek to exploit them for personal or political purposes.

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