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King Charles met with survivors and families affected by the recent knife attack which occurred during a Taylor Swift-themed dance class on July 29, resulting in the tragic deaths of three young girls and left several others injured.
During his visit, King Charles held a private meeting with the survivors and their families. He listened to their stories, offering words of comfort and support. One of the survivors, Leanne Lucas, shared her experience with the King. Lucas, a yoga teacher, had been readmitted to the hospital due to her injuries from the attack.
John Hayes, a businessman and one of the first responders, described his encounter with the King as "fantastic." Hayes, who had rushed to help the children during the attack, said, "It was lovely to meet him. I found him quite engaging, quite easy to talk to." He added, "For him to come all the way to Southport today to see people is very kind of him. And I'm sure everybody who met him got a lift from that."
King Charles also took time to view the flowers and tributes left outside the town hall. He signed a book of condolence, expressing his heartfelt sympathies to the families of the victims. One of his messages read, "God has gained three beautiful new angels. May you dance forever in heaven and be at peace."
The King met with regional leaders and frontline staff from Merseyside's police, fire, and rescue, and ambulance services. These individuals were among the first to respond to the attack and have been providing ongoing support to the community. 
The attack on July 29 deeply affected the Southport community and the nation. Bebe King, 6, Elsie Dot Stancombe, ,7, and Alice da Silva Aguiar, 9, lost their lives. The community has since come together, offering support and solidarity to the affected families. 
John Hayes summed up the sentiment, saying, "Meeting the King was a moment of light in a very dark time. It reminded us that we are not alone in our grief and that there is hope for healing."

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