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The Swedish Royal Court revealed on September 2 that Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia are "delighted" to announce they are expecting baby No. 4.

The message went on, "Princess Sofia is feeling well, and the birth is scheduled for February 2025." The court also stated that Princess Sofia's public event schedule is not anticipated to change.

The young child will be joining his older brothers, Prince Julian, age 3, Prince Gabriel, age 7, and Prince Alexander, age 8. The royal couple has shared details about their family's birthdays, summertime memories, and holiday celebrations over the years.

Furthermore, although 2015 wedding couple Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia are referred to as their Royal Highnesses, their offspring do not. The offspring of Princess Madeleine, the sister of Prince Carl Philip, who is married to Christopher O'Neill and has three children: Princess Leonore, Prince Nicolas, and Princess Adrienne, don't either.

This is based on a 2019 decision made by King Carl XVI Gustaf, the father of Princess Madeleine and Prince Carl Philip.

In a statement obtained by the people at the time, the palace stated, "His Majesty the King has decided on changes to the Royal House." "The aim of these modifications is to determine which members of the Royal Family may be expected to carry out official tasks that are assigned to or associated with the role of the Head of State. The children of Their Royal Highnesses Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia, as well as the children of Her Royal Highnesses Princess Madeleine and Mr. Christopher O'Neill, will no longer be members of The Royal House, according to the decision made by His Majesty the King.

The outlet claims that Prince Oscar and Princess Estelle, the eldest child and heir to the throne of Crown Princess Victoria and her husband Prince Daniel, are unaffected by this decision.

But Prince Carl Philip stated in a 2019 Instagram post that he considered this choice to be “positive” because it gave his kids “more freedom to choose in life.” Princess Madeleine thought the same thing.

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