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Sue Gray, the chief of staff to Prime Minister Keir Starmer, resigned from her position on Sunday. The departure comes amid growing scrutiny over her £170,000 salary and reported tensions within Downing Street's inner circle.

Gray, who gained prominence for her pivotal role in the "Partygate" investigation that contributed to former Prime Minister Boris Johnson's downfall, cited concerns that media focus on her position was becoming "a distraction to the government's vital work of change." Political analyst James Henderson noted, "This resignation highlights the delicate balance between expertise and optics in modern governance."

The salary controversy emerged when BBC investigations revealed Gray's annual compensation exceeded the Prime Minister's by approximately £3,000. Labour MP Margaret Hodge defended Gray's remuneration, stating, "Her experience and integrity are worth every penny in these challenging times."

Morgan McSweeney, previously serving as Starmer's chief adviser, will assume Gray's role as chief of staff. The transition occurs as part of a broader restructuring, including the establishment of a new strategic communications team. Former Downing Street communications director Alastair Campbell commented, "These changes reflect the natural evolution of a government finding its footing."

The resignation adds to recent challenges faced by Starmer, who became Britain's first Labour prime minister in 14 years following a decisive victory in July. The Times political correspondent Sarah Thompson reports that Starmer has faced criticism over allegations of accepting gifted items, including clothing and eyewear, though he has firmly denied any impropriety.

 Gray will transition to a new role as Starmer's envoy for regions and nations. Policy expert Dr. Richard Blake from the Institute for Government observed, "This move could potentially strengthen Labour's connection with communities outside London, a crucial factor for maintaining electoral support."

 A senior Labour source, speaking on condition of anonymity, emphasized, "The Prime Minister's commitment to delivering on his promises remains unwavering, regardless of staffing changes."

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