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Excitement and joy abound in the Bieber household as pop sensation Justin Bieber and his wife, model Hailey Bieber, announced they are expecting their first child. The couple shared the news on Instagram, delighting fans with a video showcasing Hailey's
growing belly.

In the heartwarming video, Justin and Hailey are seen sharing intimate moments, with Justin tenderly holding onto Hailey's belly in one snapshot. The pair also shared a series of photos, capturing Hailey in an all-white lace gown, radiating with the glow of
impending motherhood.

The couple's journey to parenthood has been a public one, with Justin announcing their engagement in 2018 with a heartfelt message declaring his love and commitment to Hailey. The couple later tied the knot in a private ceremony at a New York courthouse,
followed by a lavish wedding celebration with family and friends in South Carolina.

In a 2020 interview with Elle, Hailey expressed her deep love and admiration for Justin, describing him as an "incredible, amazing man" and the perfect partner to navigate life's journey with. She emphasized that Justin is the love of her life, and she feels incredibly lucky to have him by her side.

As the couple prepares to welcome their first child, fans and well-wishers are eagerly awaiting this new chapter in their love story. With their unwavering love and commitment to each other, Hailey and Justin Bieber are set to embark on the beautiful journey of parenthood, creating a loving and nurturing environment for their growing family.

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