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Country star Billy Ray Cyrus and his wife of seven months, Firerose, are embroiled in a contentious divorce, with both parties leveling serious accusations against each other. In an exclusive interview, Firerose, 36, shared her side of the story, painting a picture of a controlling and abusive relationship.
The Australian singer, whose legal name is Johanna Rose Hodges, claims she was isolated and subjected to verbal abuse during her time with Cyrus, 62. "Billy had very strict rules," Firerose stated. "I didn't have a car. I was only allowed to go to the local chiropractor and allowed once a month to get my nails done."
A friend of Firerose, speaking on condition of anonymity, corroborated her claims: "It felt like Firerose was in a prison that she didn't sign up for."
The relationship began in 2020, a decade after their first meeting. Firerose alleges that Cyrus misled her about his marital status, claiming he was already divorced when they started dating. "I would never ever have entered into a relationship with a married man, but he was such a great manipulator," she said.
Firerose described a Jekyll-and-Hyde-like personality, with Cyrus allegedly oscillating between verbal abuse and declarations of love. She claims the stress led to health issues, including a hospital visit two days before their wedding in October 2023.
The situation came to a head on May 23, 2024, when Cyrus reportedly kicked Firerose out of their Tennessee home and filed for divorce – the same day she was scheduled for a double mastectomy due to a BRCA1 gene diagnosis.
Cyrus has vehemently denied these allegations. In court documents filed on June 24, he accused Firerose of physical, verbal, and emotional abuse. His manager, Scott Adkins, submitted an affidavit claiming to have witnessed abuse towards Cyrus.
The "Achy Breaky Heart" singer also alleges that Firerose committed fraud, marrying him solely to advance her music career and lying about her identity on their marriage license.
Firerose, who admits to a previous marriage at age 21, denies these claims. "When Billy decided to discard me it was [in] a brutal way," she stated. "I would never treat another human being so cruelly."
The divorce has had significant professional repercussions for Firerose, who claims to have lost representation and lucrative work opportunities, including a Hallmark movie role.
As the divorce legal battle continues, with another court hearing scheduled for July 3, Firerose says she's speaking out to help others in abusive situations. "If I can't use my public platform, then what chance does anybody have?" she remarked. 

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