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Jake Gyllenhaal and Peter Sarsgaard are opening up about their unique experience working together on their new thriller series, “Presumed Innocent”.  The duo, who are brothers-in-law, discussed how their off-screen relationship enhanced their on-screen chemistry during an interview on “Today” with Savannah Guthrie.

“I think we both agree that it absolutely helps,” said Gyllenhaal, 43. “If you have a history with someone and you come into a scene and it’s a fictional world, you get to bring all of that stuff.” The ‘Brokeback Mountain’ star emphasized how their personal connection brought an added layer of authenticity to their performances.

Gyllenhaal and Sarsgaard, 53, have shared the screen before, but Gyllenhaal noted that the dynamic is always enriched by Sarsgaard’s presence. “I love working with Peter,” he said. “He demands an honesty not only as a brother, but also particularly as an actor. You just know you’re working with someone who is up for anything and it’s a joy.”

Sarsgaard, who also serves as an executive producer on ‘Presumed Innocent’, echoed Gyllenhaal’s sentiments. Despite playing adversaries in the series, he explained that their real-life bond allowed them to tap into deeper emotions. “For two characters that have an antagonistic relationship, it’s nice that underneath — I think what you feel is people only argue like that if they care about each other on some level,” Sarsgaard said. “And that just existed the entire time.”

The bond between the two actors extended beyond the set. During filming, they shared living quarters, which led to some amusing observations about each other’s habits. Sarsgaard joked about Gyllenhaal’s meticulous nature in the kitchen. “He was all the way in this corner of the house, and I was down here, and we would meet in the kitchen,” Sarsgaard laughed. “He always has the best refrigerator — it’s very well organized. The yogurts are in line, you know. For me, everything is just pushed in there.”

Their familial relationship dates back to 2001 when Sarsgaard, originally a friend of Jake’s, met and fell in love with Maggie Gyllenhaal. They announced their engagement and pregnancy simultaneously in 2006 and married three years later in Italy.

Gyllenhaal and Sarsgaard’s off-screen camaraderie has undoubtedly translated into their compelling performances in ‘Presumed Innocent’. Their deep connection, both as family and as actors, adds an undeniable depth to their roles, making their on-screen interactions even more captivating.

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