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Autism or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), is a complex developmental condition that typically appears during early childhood and  affects a person’s social interaction, communication, interests and behaviour. It is called a spectrum disorder because it can manifest in a wide range of symptoms and severity levels, hence the phrase “spectrum". Some individuals with autism may have relatively mild symptoms, while others may have more severe challenges that significantly impact their daily functioning.

The exact causes of autism are still not known. It is also believed to involve a combination of genetic and environmental factors. There’s is no single cause known, and its likely that different factors contribute to the development of autism in different individuals.

Early intervention and support services, such as behavioural therapy, speech therapy and occupational therapy can greatly improve the quality of life for individuals with autism. These interventions can help them develop communications and social skills, manage behaviours and navigate daily challenges.

It is important to understand that autism is not a disease to be cured but rather a neurological difference that shapes an individual’s experience and perspectives. With understanding, acceptance and appropriate support, individuals with autism can lead fulfilling lives and make valuable contributions to their communities.

To combat autism, one should learn about ASD to understand its characteristics, strengths and challenges. This understanding helps in developing empathy and effective strategies for support.

Seek early diagnosis and interventions. Early detection allows a timely access to therapies and support services which can significantly improve the outcomes for autistic individuals.

Access a range of support services tailored to the individual’s needs. This includes speech therapy, occupational therapy, behavioural therapy, social skills training and educational support.  Individuals with autism often benefit  from routines and predictability. Establishing a structured daily routine can help reduce anxiety and promote a sense of security.

Use a clear and concrete language when communicating with autistic individuals. Visual support such as picture schedules, social stories and visual aids can enhance understanding and communication.  Sensory sensitivity being common among autistic individuals, be mindful of sensory triggers and provide a supportive environment that accommodates  sensory needs such as noise-cancelling headphones or sensory-friendly spaces.

Offer opportunities for social interactions and skill building in a supportive environment. This can include structured social activities, role playing and peer mentoring programs. Many individuals with autism have intense interests in specific topics. Encourage and support these interests as they can be a source of joy, motivation and skill development.

Advocate for inclusive education, employment opportunities and community participation for autistic individuals. Encourage acceptance, understanding and accommodation in various settings. Take care of yourself as a caregiver. Seek support from support groups, counselling and respite care to prevent burnouts and maintain wellbeing.

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