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In the latest episode of The Kardashians, Kim Kardashian and Khloé Kardashian found themselves in a heated confrontation, shedding light on their ongoing differences. The episode, released at midnight on June 27, centered around Kim, 43, and Khloé, 40, clashing over Khloé's lifestyle choices, particularly her devotion to parenting and preference for a more structured routine.

The tension boiled over as Kim attempted to clear the air with Khloé before their family trip to Aspen. Kim voiced her frustration, feeling Khloé's critiques of her parenting were overly critical and condescending. In response, Khloé accused Kim of projecting her own insecurities onto her, highlighting underlying tensions between the sisters.

Throughout the episode, Kim criticized Khloé for not engaging more socially beyond her immediate family circle, urging her to experience more of life beyond her children. Khloé, on the other hand, defended her choices, expressing hurt over Kim's comments and feeling judged for her prioritization of her children and structured schedule.

Despite their escalating conflict, both sisters proceeded with the Aspen trip, although tensions continued to simmer. The episode concluded with unresolved tension between Kim and Khloé, leaving viewers anticipating whether their relationship would evolve or further deteriorate in subsequent episodes.

This episode wasn't the first time Kim and Khloé clashed over lifestyle differences, highlighting a recurring theme in their relationship. Their disagreements over Khloé's routines and priorities have been a source of friction, reflecting broader tensions within their family dynamic.

As the series continues to unfold, viewers are left wondering if Kim and Khloé will find common ground or if their differences will continue to strain their relationship. New episodes of The Kardashians air Thursdays at 12 a.m. ET on Hulu, promising further insights into the complexities of their sisterhood.

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