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Jan Faber, 70, and Els van Leeningen, 71, from Friesland, Netherlands, made the poignant decision to end their lives together through euthanasia. Their lifelong partnership began in kindergarten, culminating in nearly five decades of marriage. Jan, a sports coach, and Els, a primary school teacher, faced debilitating health issues in their later years. Jan suffered from chronic back pain, which persisted even after surgery in 2003, leaving him unable to work and often contemplating euthanasia.

In November 2022, Els was diagnosed with dementia. As her condition deteriorated, Jan’s discussion of euthanasia became more pressing. Els, recognizing the decline in her cognitive abilities, agreed with Jan that ending their lives together was the best course of action. They opted for duo-euthanasia, a procedure legalized in the Netherlands since 2002 under the Termination of Life on Request and Assisted Suicide (Review Procedures) Act.

The couple made their decision while Els was still mentally competent, a crucial factor since dementia could have later impaired her ability to consent. “If you take a lot of medicine, you live like a zombie,” Jan explained, highlighting the unbearable nature of their suffering. For Jan and Els, euthanasia was not only an escape from physical pain but also a way to maintain their dignity and autonomy.

Their son described the experience of losing both parents on the same day as surreal. He recalled their final dinner together, an emotional yet peaceful farewell. On June 3, 2023, doctors administered the lethal medication at a local hospice, allowing Jan and Els to die together, hand in hand.

The Netherlands, the first country to legalize euthanasia, mandates that such requests come from patients experiencing unbearable suffering with no prospect of improvement. While controversial, euthanasia has been embraced by many in the Netherlands, where about 4.5% of all deaths now involve the procedure.

The story of Jan and Els underscores the complexities and emotional depth of euthanasia, reflecting both the intense love between lifelong partners and the difficult decisions faced by those suffering from chronic and terminal illnesses.

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