Photo Credit: Jerrod Harris

Jessica also shared insights into her family life, revealing her eldest son's growing pains. "He has a hard time sleeping. His legs hurt. His back hurts," she explained. Watching Silas grow has been a marvel for both her and Justin. "He went from this little guy to a more grown-up kid, and we're like: 'Wow, this kid is looking different all of a sudden.' He's just growing! It's so amazing!"

Jessica and Justin's relationship began in 2007, following Justin's high-profile breakup with Britney Spears. After a brief split in 2011, they reunited and married in 2012 in southern Italy. Their marriage faced scrutiny in 2019 when Justin was seen holding hands with actress Alisha Wainwright in New Orleans. Justin publicly apologized for his "strong lapse in judgment," expressing regret for his actions and focusing on being the best husband and father.

Despite this rocky period, the couple remained strong. They were seen together in New York soon after the incident, and sources in January 2020 mentioned they were in therapy, with Justin working hard to prove himself to Jessica. They welcomed their second son, Phineas, in the summer of 2020, keeping the news private until January 2021.

In October 2022, Jessica marked their 10th wedding anniversary by revealing that they had renewed their vows in Italy. She expressed her love on Instagram, writing, "Being married to you is the adventure of a lifetime! Run it back, baby. RUN IT BACK. I love you." Justin echoed her sentiments, posting, "10 years ain't enough! You make me a better husband and father every day! I love you so much, you beautiful

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