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Margot Robbie and Tom Ackerley are not just partners in marriage but also in business, spending an impressive “24 hours a day” together, as revealed in a recent interview with ‘The Sunday Times’. Their relationship, characterized by a seamless integration of personal and professional lives, showcases a unique dynamic where business and pleasure are indistinguishable.

Ackerley, a British film producer, described their partnership as “seamless” and emphasized that they do not compartmentalize their lives. This close-knit bond extends beyond their professional ventures, with Ackerley joking about the friendly rivalry over their favorite snacks from their home countries — Tim Tams from Australia and Penguins from England. This light-hearted competition reflects their ability to blend their personal quirks into their professional partnership.

The couple's ventures are not limited to film production. They recently launched a gin brand named Papa Salt, which Robbie finds refreshingly straightforward compared to the unpredictability of the movie industry. In her interview, Robbie explained that while the film business involves selling an idea with uncertain outcomes, the gin business allows for more predictable and tangible results. This venture illustrates their versatility and willingness to explore new industries together.

Robbie and Ackerley tied the knot in a private ceremony on Australia’s Gold Coast in December 2016. Despite their high-profile careers, they maintain a relatively private personal life. However, they occasionally step into the limelight together, such as during the 2024 Palm Springs International Film Festival and other red carpet events, showcasing their solidarity and mutual support.

Their collaboration extends back to 2014 when they co-founded LuckyChap Entertainment along with friends. This company has produced notable films like ‘I, Tonya’, ‘Birds of Prey’, and ‘Barbie’. Despite their busy lives, they have managed to create a successful business while nurturing their personal relationship.

In summary, Margot Robbie and Tom Ackerley exemplify a harmonious blend of love and business. Their ability to seamlessly integrate their personal and professional lives sets them apart, demonstrating that with mutual respect, understanding, and shared goals, a partnership can thrive in multiple domains. Their journey is a testament to the strength of their bond and their shared vision, making them a remarkable team in both Hollywood and the business world.

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