Photo Credit: NBA
The 2024 NBA Draft marked a watershed moment for French basketball, as three players from the country were selected within the top 10 picks. This unprecedented achievement highlights France's growing influence on the global basketball stage.
Zaccharie Risacher, selected first overall by the Atlanta Hawks, became the second consecutive French player to earn the top spot. Alex Sarr followed immediately after, going second to the Washington Wizards. Tidjane Salaun rounded out the French trio, selected sixth by the Charlotte Hornets.
"That's amazing," Risacher remarked. "We are trying to represent our country, and I'm so glad to be a part of it. There is more players coming in. I'm really proud of being a part of the success of my country."
The historic night continued with Pacome Dadiet's selection at 25th overall by the New York Knicks, bringing the total to four French players in the first round.
NBA analyst Ben Couch noted, "This marks the first time a non-U.S. country produced three top 10 picks in the same Draft."
Salaun expressed enthusiasm about joining the Hornets, stating, "I know a lot of French players have (played with) this team in Charlotte. I'm the next one. I will bring all my fire to the club and be ready to play with players like LaMelo Ball, get some alley-oops. I'm ready to jump."
The Minnesota Timberwolves made a bold move, trading for the 8th pick to select Robert Dillingham. The Kentucky product averaged 15.2 points and 3.9 assists in his freshman year, shooting an impressive 44.4% from three-point range.
"It's a blessing for real, because it just shows they trust me and trust in me to develop," Dillingham said of the Timberwolves' decision.
The Portland Trail Blazers bolstered their roster by selecting Donovan Clingan with the 7th pick. The UConn center, fresh off back-to-back NCAA championships, brings a defensive presence to Portland's frontcourt.
"I just want to have an impact and try to help this organization win and get to the top and try to win championships," Clingan stated.
In a surprising turn, Dalton Knecht, the SEC Player of the Year, slid to 17th overall, where he was selected by the Los Angeles Lakers. The 23-year-old sharpshooter averaged 21.7 points for Tennessee last season, shooting 39.7% from beyond the arc.
The draft concluded with Ron Holland II going 5th overall to the Detroit Pistons, becoming the final G League Ignite player to be selected in the first round. Holland's selection over his more highly-touted teammate, Matas Buzelis, caught many observers off guard.
As the dust settles on this historic draft, all eyes now turn to how these talented prospects will transition to the NBA and impact their respective teams in the upcoming season.

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