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Less than a month after a serious biking accident left him hospitalized, Gordon Ramsay returned to the spotlight by throwing a ceremonial first pitch at Fenway Park. The celebrity chef, aged 57, was invited by the Boston Red Sox for their game against the Toronto Blue Jays on Tuesday, June 25.

Sporting a personalized "03" jersey, Ramsay greeted the crowd with enthusiasm before showcasing his recovery with the pitch. Although slightly high, the ball reached closing pitcher Liam Hendriks, who caught it cleanly to the delight of the fans.

Ramsay's appearance in Boston followed a harrowing biking incident in Connecticut, which he detailed in a June 15 Instagram video. He recounted the accident as a frightening ordeal that resulted in bruised ribs, emphasizing the critical importance of wearing helmets for protection.

During his visit to Boston, Ramsay also took time to visit Gordon Ramsay Burger and generously provided meals to local firefighters, documenting his experiences on social media. He also embraced the city's sports culture by meeting both Wally the Green Monster, the Red Sox mascot, and Pat Patriot from the New England Patriots. His interactions with these iconic figures earned praise from football legend Tom Brady, who acknowledged Ramsay's spirited involvement.

On Instagram, Ramsay shared moments from his Fenway Park outing, including a photo of himself making a heart gesture, symbolizing his appreciation for Boston. His resilient return to the public eye after the accident not only showcased his passion for sports and community but also underscored the importance of safety awareness, particularly in activities like biking.

Despite the Boston Red Sox's eventual 4-9 loss that evening, Ramsay's presence added a memorable touch to the game, highlighting his determination to bounce back from adversity and continue engaging with fans both on and off the field.

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