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Shannen Doherty has revealed the profound impact her ex-husband Kurt Iswarienko’s infidelity had on her mental health and well-being. The actress, known for her roles in “Beverly Hills, 90210” and “Charmed,” shared her emotional journey in a recent episode of the ”Let’s Talk Off Camera” podcast with Kelly Ripa.

Doherty, 53, disclosed that learning about Iswarienko’s affair led her into a deep depression, compounded by her ongoing battle with stage 4 breast cancer. She recounted that the discovery of the affair came just before she underwent brain surgery to remove a tumor. “I went into that surgery early in the morning after finding out that my marriage was essentially over,” Doherty said, describing the profound betrayal she felt during this vulnerable time.

The actress filed for divorce in April 2023, ending their 11-year marriage. The couple had been separated since January 2023, citing irreconcilable differences. Doherty has requested spousal support, claiming that Iswarienko has been uncooperative in the divorce proceedings.

In her podcast, Doherty explained that the affair and subsequent divorce have left her unsure about her future, especially concerning new relationships. “I don’t know where I am with dating,” she admitted, acknowledging the raw and ongoing emotional turmoil from the divorce.

This isn’t the first time Doherty has faced infidelity in a relationship. She mentioned on her own podcast, “Let’s Be Clear,” that past relationships have also been marred by multiple affairs, making it difficult for her to trust again. “What I don’t understand is why someone thinks that they don’t owe you respect,” she said, reflecting on the repeated betrayals she’s experienced.

Despite the heartbreak, Doherty remains resilient. She is focusing on her health and advocacy work, using her platform to raise awareness about cancer. Her strength and candidness about her struggles continue to inspire many who are facing similar battles.

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