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Kim Kardashian, Kris Jenner, and Corey Gamble were fashionably late to the Victoria Beckham Fashion Show on the Season 5 premiere of The Kardashians. The episode, titled "Welcome To My Mind," reveals their frantic journey to the show.

Kim, 43, Kris, 68, and Corey, 43, planned to leave with over an hour to spare, but Paris traffic had other plans. As they crawled through the gridlock, their anxiety grew. They arrived 20 minutes late, finding an icy Anna Wintour waiting next to their front-row seats.

Despite their fears of missing Kendall's runway walk, they made it in time. However, they didn't recognize Kendall in her unique look, featuring oversized black glasses and a black suit. Kim, dressed in a stunning gown, joined Kris and Corey in the van with 45 minutes left to reach the venue, but the traffic was relentless.

"We are in this crush of traffic. We know we're gonna be late. We feel terrible. We don't know what else to do. It's like one road in and one road out, and it's stopped," Kris shared in a confessional.

With just six minutes to spare, Kris asked the driver about walking, confessing, "I have such anxiety. I'm never late. I don't like to be late. I like to be early. We gave ourselves plenty of time, over an hour, and here we are in this mess. I'm so nervous we won't make the show, and I know how much this means to Kim."

Kris hadn't seen Kendall walk in person for a long time, and Corey reassured her they wouldn't miss it. Kendall, unrecognizable in her runway look, shared in her confessional that she was closing the show, which she found to be an honor.

As the car finally arrived, a nervous Kim asked, "Are they waiting for us?" Her glam team responded, "No, but the line is crazy to get there."

Kim expressed her frustration, "The car ride took us an hour, so we're 20 minutes late. I feel really bad. I'm just stressed because I know what's going to come. People will start saying we held up the show, and that Anna was mad and we don't like each other."

Kim sat next to Wintour, who gave her a lukewarm greeting, with David Beckham on the other side. "Hi," was all Wintour managed, adding to Kim's stress. In her confessional, Kim said, "We have to be extra on time, early, just not give anyone a reason to talk."

The show began, and Kris, in her confessional, worried, "Where's Kendall? Did we miss Kendall? Maybe she got stuck in traffic?"

Kendall finally closed the show, but her family didn't recognize her. Kris admitted in her confessional, "Kendall, I didn't see you walk because I didn't recognize you. It's so horrible!"

Kendall, however, found it amusing. "My family, my friends, they didn't recognize me, but I kind of love that. That's always my goal, being a chameleon, becoming a different character."

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