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The Lautner family just went through a terrifying medical scare. The wife of Taylor Lautner revealed that she had an ultrasound earlier this year to rule out cancer after discovering a lump on her breast.

"I felt this lump on my boob, and I paused for a second and was like, 'Wait, what?'" she recalled on the July 3 episode of The Squeeze podcast. "I'm showering, washing my body, and soaping myself up." After that, I felt it again and applied pressure, and there was a hard lump there."

The 27-year-old Tay was taken aback by the finding, particularly since her family has a history of cancerous diseases.

"I literally just stood in the shower and completely froze," she said. "It was terrible to feel anything foreign in your body, especially there, and I kind of started balling right away. When they heard me sobbing, the dogs literally went into the restroom."

Since she knew Taylor, whom she would marry in 2022, wouldn't pick up his phone at the moment, she decided to make a video journal to help her process the event. The Twilight star realized something wasn't right as soon as he came home.

"I entered the kitchen," he murmured. "I knew right away that something was wrong . You were just acting, I don't know, different but sad."

"I just said to you, 'What's wrong?'" he said. or "Everything alright?" You just started crying after that. I was scared when you informed me because it's difficult to keep your thoughts from wandering to the worst scenarios."

Tay initially saw a doctor, who recommended that she go to a breast facility for an ultrasound, which revealed no problems.

"It's okay; these things do happen occasionally. The tissue is essentially mobile. It can change hormonally," Taylor clarified. "It's still there to this day; it hasn't gone away."

The influencer never told many people about the scare, but her spouse understands the impact of sharing information.

"I can’t imagine anybody else going through that," he said. "It's important to take it seriously, yeah, but also important to try and not jump to the worst."

They are now urging others to perform routine breast exams.

"Everything is OK right now," she said. "I'm doing well and am content. I'm undoubtedly in a good place at the moment."

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