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Photo Credit: UPI
The newly released trailer for Céline Dion's upcoming documentary "I Am: Céline Dion" offers a raw and intimate look at the legendary singer's courageous fight against stiff person syndrome, a rare neurological disorder she was diagnosed with last year.

In the powerful two-minute teaser, the "My Heart Will Go On" songstress is seen struggling with the debilitating effects of the disease, which causes persistent muscle stiffness and painful spasms. "It's a nightmare," Dion confesses in a voiceover, her voice thick with emotion.

Footage shows the 55-year-old Grammy winner being helped to walk by her team and using a cane at certain points. At one particularly poignant moment, she laments, "All I know is singing. I don't have any other option."

Dion has been open about her stiff person syndrome diagnosis, which she revealed publicly in an emotional Instagram post last December. As she explained at the time, the condition has been causing significant spasms that "affect every aspect of my daily life, sometimes causing difficulties when I walk and not allowing me to use my vocal cords to sing the way I'm used to."

Despite the profound challenges, the fiercely resilient entertainer appears determined to persevere in the documentary clip. "There are days when I feel diverse emotions, scattered across the room like puzzle pieces being blown off the table," she says resolutely. "After all, I'm still the same girl, except for the incurable disease part."

That indomitable spirit has resonated with Dion's legions of fans across the globe, who have rallied behind her with an outpouring of support. The hashtag #CedlionStrong became a top Twitter trend after the diagnosis.

With its heart-wrenching yet hopeful glimpses into her daily struggles, "I Am: Céline Dion" shapes up to be a powerful celebration of the music icon's courage and life force in the face of adversity. The documentary is slated for release later this year.

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