Photo Credit: Getty Images
Rapper Sexyy Red turned heads over the weekend when she took the stage at the Sexy Music Festival wearing an oversized red hat emblazoned with "Make America Sexyy Again." However, the provocative artist is now asserting the hat was meant as nothing more than an attention-grabbing statement piece, not a political endorsement.
"I'm an artist, not a politician," Sexyy Red stated in an Instagram post after the performance. "The hat was just for fun and to be sexyy, not to be involved in any presidential campaigning or endorsements."
The "Make America Sexyy Again" slogan was an obvious play on Donald Trump's famous 2016 campaign slogan "Make America Great Again." Trump has already launched his 2024 re-election bid, making some question if Sexyy Red's hat was meant to throw her support behind the former president.
However, a representative for the rapper insisted that was not the case. "Sexyy Red is absolutely not endorsing any 2024 presidential candidate at this time. She's an entertainer, first and foremost. This was simply meant as an artistic, satirical expression."
The Controversy Over Celebrity Endorsements
Sexyy Red's preemptive clarification speaks to the heated debates that often arise when entertainers wade into partisan political waters and offer candidate endorsements.
"Celebrity endorsements can certainly sway some voters, but they also tend to ignite fierce criticism from the opposite side of the aisle," said Norman Ornstein, emeritus scholar at the American Enterprise Institute.
A 2022 study from Yale University found that high-profile celebrity endorsements increased voter turnout by around 4.1 percentage points on average. However, the researchers noted these endorsements seemed to primarily motivate the celebrity's existing fan base rather than persuade many voters to switch candidates.
"It's a divisive issue," Ornstein added. "The backlash from fans who disagree politically can often outweigh any gains with a celebrity's base supporters."
Perhaps learning from past celebrity endorsement controversies, Sexyy Red proactively shut down any speculation about her motives. Only time will tell if she maintains that impartial stance as the 2024 election cycle ramps up.
While denying any endorsement, Sexyy Red's vague "Make America Sexyy Again" message certainly piqued curiosity and dominated post-performance conversation.
"Her statement was so ambiguous that it created a massive reaction and got people talking, which is exactly what an artist aiming for publicity wants," said Kalinda Castellano, celebrity branding expert. "She's driving engagement without having to be too overt or divisive."

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