Photo Credit: Broadway

Country music legend Dolly Parton is set to take her larger-than-life story to the bright lights of Broadway! On Thursday, Parton announced the development of "Hello, I'm Dolly - An Original Musical," a stage production based on her remarkable life and career.

"I've been writing my life story as a Broadway musical for several years," Parton shared on social media, brimming with pride. The show's official website confirms a 2026 Broadway debut, featuring music and lyrics penned by the multi-talented Parton herself.

This marks a landmark first for Parton, despite her decades under the public spotlight. Fans can expect a vibrant tapestry of music, with Parton promising "many original songs" alongside their beloved classics. "You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll clap, you'll stomp, it truly is a Grand Ol' Opera," Parton declared with her signature wit. "Pun and fun intended. Don't miss it!"

At 78, Parton remains a force of creative energy. Just last year, she added three new Guinness World Records to her already impressive collection, bringing her total to a dazzling ten. Parton holds the record for the longest span of No. 1 hits for a female artist on the U.S. Top Country Albums chart, a testament to her enduring popularity. She also reigns supreme for the most studio albums released by a female country singer.

Parton's artistic spirit continues to push boundaries. Last fall, she surprised fans with "Rockstar," her debut rock 'n' roll album featuring nine original tracks. Coinciding with the album's release was her book, "Behind the Seams: My Life in Rhinestones," a fascinating exploration of her signature flamboyant style.

With "Hello, I'm Dolly," Parton promises an unforgettable theatrical experience, inviting audiences to share in her journey and celebrate her remarkable life. The wait until 2026 may seem long, but with Parton's infectious enthusiasm, it's sure to be a dazzling production worth waiting for.

Jeff Ian

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