Photo Credit: Gladys Vega

Bad Bunny found himself in a playful predicament during his concert in San Juan, Puerto Rico, when a wardrobe malfunction led to an unexpected moment on stage. The incident occurred on June 7 as the rapper performed "Perro Negro" and one of his backup dancers, Kiara Yamilette Rodríguez Saldívar, accidentally got her tights stuck on the front of his pants while dancing against his crotch area.

A fan's video shared on TikTok captured the moment, showing the two entangled for a few seconds. The other backup dancers quickly moved in to cover them from view, allowing Kiara and Bad Bunny to untangle themselves. Kiara laughed off the incident immediately, and Bad Bunny was seen smiling as he moved to another part of the stage.

Embracing the humor of the situation, Kiara later shared the video on her social media pages, along with a picture of herself posing in her ripped tights. She humorously captioned the post, "RIP dance tights". The incident did not dampen the energy of the performance, as Bad Bunny continued his show with the same enthusiasm and charm that have made him a global superstar.

The rapper, known for his vibrant performances and connection with fans, performed in San Juan again the following day without any further wardrobe malfunctions.

Bad Bunny's Most Wanted tour, which began in February, has been a massive hit, drawing huge crowds and delivering memorable performances. The San Juan concerts were among the final stops on the tour, with the last performance scheduled for June 9. Despite the unexpected wardrobe mishap, the concert in San Juan was a success, showcasing Bad Bunny's ability to handle unexpected situations with grace and humor.

The playful moment between Bad Bunny and Kiara added a touch of spontaneity to the show, endearing the rapper even more to his fans.

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