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Rapper Macklemore has canceled his upcoming October concert in Dubai, citing the United Arab Emirates’ (UAE) alleged involvement in the ongoing conflict in Sudan. The rapper, known for his hit “Thrift Shop,” made this decision after extensive research and pressure from activists who urged him to take a stand against the humanitarian crisis in Sudan.


The conflict in Sudan, which erupted in April 2023, has been marked by intense violence between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), a powerful paramilitary group. Reports, including those from the United Nations, have indicated that the UAE has provided military support to the RSF, despite Emirati officials’ denials. This support allegedly includes weapons deliveries, fueling the conflict that has resulted in over 18,800 deaths and displaced millions.

Macklemore explained his decision in a heartfelt Instagram post, stating that continuing to perform in Dubai would conflict with his values and recent activism, including his outspoken support for Palestinians amid the Israel-Hamas conflict. He emphasized the need for artists to use their platforms to advocate for marginalized communities and questioned how accepting payment from the UAE could align with his stance against global systemic oppression.

The rapper’s decision has reignited discussions about the UAE’s role in the Sudanese conflict and the broader responsibilities of artists and public figures in addressing global injustices. While acknowledging the potential impact on his future performances in the region, Macklemore urged other artists to reconsider their engagements in Dubai and to reflect on the influence they could wield by standing in solidarity with oppressed populations.

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