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Lauryn Hill is facing a lawsuit from her Fugees bandmate Pras Michel over fraud and breach of contract claims. The lawsuit follows the cancellation of their 2023 Miseducation anniversary tour and an upcoming 2024 reunion tour. Michel alleges Hill and her company MLH mismanaged the tour’s finances, inflating expenses and leaving him unpaid, despite most shows being sold out. He also claims Hill rejected a $5 million Coachella offer without his knowledge and used tour profits for her own benefit.

Hill, in a statement, dismissed the lawsuit as “baseless” and “full of false claims.” She emphasized that she had personally financed much of the tour and extended loans to Michel to aid his legal defense. Michel, currently entangled in a legal battle for his involvement in an international conspiracy case, was reportedly advanced $3 million from Hill, which she claims he has yet to repay.

In Michel’s lawsuit, he accuses Hill of manipulating the tour for personal gain, citing issues such as her late arrivals at concerts, which allegedly damaged the Fugees’ reputation. He further claims Hill failed to promote the tour adequately, contributing to its ultimate failure. Michel also points out Hill’s alleged “narcissistic tendencies,” including turning down significant performance offers, such as the Coachella slot, over disputes related to billing order .

Hill countered by explaining that she had incorporated the Fugees into the tour as an act of goodwill, knowing Michel needed financial support due to his legal troubles. According to Hill, she and fellow bandmate Wyclef Jean even deferred their own advances to ensure Michel had the necessary funds. Despite this, she says Michel has not honored his repayment obligations.

This legal dispute has cast a shadow over the legacy of the Fugees, one of the most iconic hip-hop groups of the 1990s, known for their influential album The Score.

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