Education and skills development are pivotal for South Africa's economic growth and socio-economic transformation. The country's efforts to address the skills shortage, particularly in critical sectors, are essential to ensuring sustainable development and competitiveness in the global market. Education and training systems are being reformed to better align with the demands of the modern economy, emphasizing vocational training, higher education, and continuous professional development.

The political economy of resource-rich African countries is a complex and often paradoxical landscape. While abundant natural resources like oil, diamonds, and minerals offer significant economic potential, these riches frequently lead to what is known as the "resource curse." This phenomenon describes how countries with abundant natural resources often experience less economic growth, less democracy, and worse development outcomes than countries with fewer natural resources.

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is a crucial driver of economic growth and development in Northern Africa, influencing various sectors and contributing significantly to the region's economic landscape. Countries like Morocco, Egypt, and Algeria have become attractive destinations for FDI due to their strategic locations, large markets, and ongoing economic reforms aimed at improving the business environment.

In the shadows of Africa’s booming gold production lies a clandestine trade that sees billions of dollars’ worth of the precious metal smuggled out of the continent each year. A staggering $35 billion worth of gold, primarily from artisanal and small-scale mining, bypasses official channels and is illicitly transported to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), as reported by SwissAid.

The farmer-herder conflicts in Nigeria represent one of the most pressing and complex security challenges facing the country today. Rooted in a combination of socio-economic, environmental, and political factors, these conflicts have escalated over the past decade, leading to significant loss of life, displacement, and economic disruption. Understanding the causes, impacts, and potential solutions to these conflicts is crucial for promoting peace and stability in Nigeria.

The use of child soldiers in African conflicts is a deeply troubling phenomenon that has profound implications for both the children involved and the broader society. Across the continent, from Sierra Leone to Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), children have been forcibly recruited or coerced into armed groups, enduring unimaginable hardships and committing acts of violence. Addressing the root causes, understanding the consequences, and ensuring effective rehabilitation are critical for mitigating this grave issue.