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In the heart of Europe, France is pioneering a renaissance in the animation sector, propelled by the Tax Rebate for International Productions (TRIP) scheme and the France 2030 omnibus infrastructure bill. Since 2019, the TRIP scheme has been a cornerstone, offering a 30% tax rebate to international productions, with an additional 10% bonus for collaborations with local VFX houses.  This incentive has not only attracted big names like Illumination’s “Despicable Me 4” but also bolstered France’s ambition to become a global animation powerhouse.

The Annecy Animation Festival, a jewel in the industry’s crown, is set to showcase these efforts from June 9th to 15th, 2024. The festival will highlight France’s commitment to artistic excellence and technical innovation, featuring works like Studio Ponoc’s “The Imaginary” and the eagerly anticipated “The Super Mario Bros. 2”.

Underpinning these initiatives is the France 2030 bill, which earmarks $376 million in public support and $2.15 billion in private funds. This investment aims to fortify the local production sector, enabling French studios to scale up and compete on the international stage. The bill also supports 34 training programs, emphasizing the importance of digital tools in animation and game design, reflecting France’s strategic focus on cutting-edge technology and sustainability.

Moreover, the CNC’s selective financial aid for animation is fostering aesthetic innovation, helping local titles meet international standards. This aid, along with other CNC supports, is ensuring that French animation remains at the forefront of the global market, ready for international release.

As France strides towards reducing its carbon footprint and doubling its workforce, the animation industry stands as a testament to the nation’s dedication to quality, innovation, and environmental responsibility. With these concerted efforts, France is not just animating stories; it’s animating a brighter future for the global animation industry.

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