Photo Credit:BMW

BMW is pushing forward with its electrification plans, and the upcoming electric M3 is set to redefine high-performance vehicles. According to BMW M CEO Frank van Meel, this new M3, slated for release in 2027, will “beat everything” on the road, leveraging a cutting-edge quad-motor setup to deliver unprecedented power and control.

The electric M3 will ride on BMW’s Neue Klasse platform, a next-generation architecture designed for high efficiency and performance. Frank Weber, BMW’s head of engineering, has hinted that this vehicle could produce up to one megawatt of power, equivalent to 1,341 horsepower. This power will be managed by sophisticated software and a unique battery cooling system to ensure consistent performance without overheating .

The quad-motor setup allows for precise control of each wheel independently, creating a driving experience that is “neutral, linear, and predictable,” according to van Meel. This configuration not only enhances performance but also improves handling, making the car exceptionally responsive to driver inputs.

In addition to the all-wheel-drive quad-motor version, BMW is considering a lighter, rear-wheel-drive variant that would offer around 670 horsepower. This model would provide a different driving dynamic, appealing to those who prefer a more traditional performance feel. There are also plans for an M3 Touring model, expanding the versatility of the Neue Klasse platform.

While exact pricing has not been disclosed, the high-performance nature of the electric M3 suggests it will come with a premium price tag. However, BMW aims to ensure that the vehicle’s capabilities justify its cost, offering a combination of speed, handling, and technological innovation that sets it apart from competitors.


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