Photo Credit: Getty Images/Netflix

On Friday, June 21, social media personalities Alex Madison and Jon Bouffard shared the devastating news of their pregnancy loss on Instagram and TikTok. The couple, who had announced their pregnancy in March, revealed that Madison, 31, lost their baby boy at 26 weeks.

"We are absolutely devastated to share the news that we lost our sweet baby boy this week," their announcement began. "There are no words that can truly capture the depth of this pain. Nothing can prepare you for this. Our hearts will never be the same."

Madison added, "I had the privilege of carrying you for 26 weeks, and we will carry you in our hearts for a lifetime. Until we meet again, Leo Grey." She also shared the post on her Instagram Stories, captioned, "Fly high my angel."

The hosts of the Give It To Me Straight podcast received an outpouring of support and condolences on social media. Fellow TikToker and relative Kat Stickler commented, "I love you and our new guardian angel. Here with you always through everything." Influencer Tara Mackey added, "Omg Alex, I am so sorry 💔. My heart hurts for you guys so much."

Fans also expressed their sympathy. One wrote, "I am so sorry that this happened & my heart aches with you guys. Please know you have thousands of fans who are praying for you and your family during this difficult time. ❤️." Another shared, "I'm so sorry Alex & Jon. We could all tell how happy you guys were to become parents. The whole community is crying with you guys. ❤️🕊️."

Madison and Bouffard, 36, first met on Tinder and married in September 2019. In March, they told PEOPLE they were excited to become parents. Bouffard shared, "We knew we were ready when we talked about becoming parents every day. It became part of our regular conversation, and the timing finally felt right. I'm excited to have a mini 'us' enter the world. Half of me, half of her. But hopefully, it's 100% her personality."

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