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A group of former SpaceX employees has filed a lawsuit against the company's CEO, Elon Musk, accusing him of fostering a toxic work environment rife with sexual harassment and retaliation against those who spoke out. The legal action, filed in a federal court in California, paints a disturbing picture of alleged misconduct at the cutting-edge aerospace firm.
According to the complaint, at least eight former SpaceX workers experienced or witnessed instances of "sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, and retaliation" from Musk and other high-level executives. The plaintiffs, whose identities remain confidential for now, allege that complaints about inappropriate behavior were routinely ignored or met with retaliatory actions, including termination.
"SpaceX has turned a blind eye to misconduct committed by the company's relentless leader in his single-minded pursuit of ambitious production goals," the lawsuit states. "This culture has created a deep rift, prompting employees to remain silent or risk their careers and livelihoods."
One of the plaintiffs, identified as "Jane Doe," claims she was fired after rejecting Musk's direct sexual advances at a company event in 2018. Another plaintiff alleges witnessing Musk make crude jokes and comments of a sexual nature on multiple occasions.
In a statement to reporters, SpaceX vehemently denied the allegations, calling them "completely false" and vowing to fight the case vigorously. A company spokesperson stated, "We have zero tolerance for any form of harassment and quickly respond to all complaints with a full investigation."
However, the lawsuit cites internal communications and SpaceX's own human resources records to bolster claims of inaction on reported incidents. It specifically names Sarah Bloom, SpaceX's vice president of human resources, as being complicit in dismissing complaints against Musk and other executives.
"We have email proof showing Bloom's outright rejection of credible claims against senior leadership," said David Michaels, the attorney representing the former employees. "There was a systematic cover-up to protect the company's image at all costs."
The lawsuit seeks unspecified monetary damages and demands SpaceX make sweeping reforms to its human resources policies and workplace culture under court supervision.
Sexual harassment allegations have plagued Musk and his companies in recent years. In 2022, SpaceX paid $250,000 to resolve a flight attendant's claim that Musk exposed himself during a private flight. That same year, reports emerged about Musk behaving inappropriately towards employees at Twitter after acquiring the social media platform.
Legal experts suggest the latest lawsuit could prove an uphill battle given the immense wealth and resources at Musk's disposal, as well as difficulties in proving executive liability for workplace misconduct.
"Lawsuits like this often get settled very quietly to avoid damaging publicity," said Mandy Gregory, a Los Angeles employment attorney not involved in the case. "But the sheer number of accusers here could give this one more traction."
As it heads to court, the explosive allegations have once again thrust SpaceX's internal culture under harsh scrutiny amidst its boundary-pushing technological achievements.

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