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Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon will not serve his four-month prison sentence in a “Club Fed,” a minimum-security facility often reserved for nonviolent offenders. Instead, he will report to the low-security federal prison in Danbury, Connecticut. This decision follows a federal judge’s ruling requiring Bannon to begin his sentence by July 1 for contempt of Congress, despite his pending appeal.

Bannon’s attorneys had hoped for a minimum-security camp, but his eligibility was affected by an ongoing criminal case in New York, where he faces charges of defrauding donors in the “We Build the Wall” campaign. His trial is scheduled for September.

Convicted two years ago for failing to comply with a subpoena during the January 6 investigation, Bannon remains a staunch Trump ally and continues to support his reelection bid. His legal team argued that his imprisonment would hinder his role as an advisor during the critical pre-election period, but the court has maintained its stance.

The Danbury facility, known for housing white-collar criminals, also contains violent and sex offenders. Unlike prison camps, it has a secure barrier, referred to as “the wall,” separating it from the outside world. The prison does not have individual cells, housing inmates in open pods instead.

Bannon could face harsher conditions if held in New York City facilities like Rikers Island during his state trial. His federal sentence is expected to run through October unless an appeals court intervenes.

Both Bannon and fellow Trump adviser Peter Navarro, also sentenced for contempt of Congress, are ineligible for early release. Navarro’s sentence ends on July 17, ensuring both men will be incarcerated during the Republican National Convention in mid-July.

Bannon has enlisted prison consultant Sam Mangel to assist with his transition. He awaits a decision from the DC Circuit on whether his sentence will be delayed pending appeal, with intentions to take his case to the Supreme Court if necessary.

Despite his legal troubles, Bannon maintains close ties with Trump and recently pledged at a conservative gathering that Trump’s political opponents would face retribution if Trump secures a second term.

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