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Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes has addressed the controversy surrounding teammate Harrison Butker's commencement speech at his alma mater, Georgia Tech. Butker's remarks, which included allegations of academic misconduct and disparaging comments about the university's culture, drew widespread criticism and prompted an apology from the kicker.

Mahomes, speaking to reporters at the Chiefs' training facility in Kansas City on Monday, May 22nd, expressed his support for Butker while acknowledging the speech's controversial nature. "Harrison is a great teammate and an even better person," Mahomes stated. "While his comments may have been ill-advised, I know he meant no malice. He's passionate about Georgia Tech and his experiences there."

The Chiefs' star quarterback emphasized the importance of learning from such situations. "We all make mistakes, and the key is to own up to them, learn from them, and move forward in a positive way," Mahomes said. "Harrison has apologized, and I believe he's sincere in his remorse."

Butker, a former standout kicker at Georgia Tech, delivered the commencement speech on May 5th, during which he alleged that students had engaged in widespread cheating and that the university had fostered a "massively unconventional" culture. His comments sparked outrage from alumni, students, and university officials, prompting an investigation by the school.

In a statement issued on May 17th, Georgia Tech President Ángel Cabrera said, "We are deeply disappointed and strongly disagree with Mr. Butker's unsubstantiated allegations and disrespectful comments about our institution, our community, and our values." The university also announced plans to review its procedures for selecting commencement speakers.

Butker, who has been with the Chiefs since 2017 and has established himself as one of the league's most reliable kickers, issued an apology on May 16th. "I clearly missed the mark, and I am sorry for my insensitive and unsubstantiated comments," he said in a statement. "I have the utmost respect for Georgia Tech, and I regret putting myself and the school in this position."

Mahomes, who has developed a close bond with Butker since joining the Chiefs in 2017, expressed confidence that his teammate would learn from the experience. "Harrison is a stand-up guy, and I know he'll use this as an opportunity to grow and become an even better person," Mahomes said. "As a team, we'll support him through this and move forward together."

The Chiefs organization has not issued an official statement on the matter, but Mahomes' remarks suggest the team stands behind Butker despite the controversy surrounding his commencement speech.

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