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As Kelly Yazdi leaves their marriage, she says a few hurtful things to Zac Brown. Kelly came out during her acrimonious divorce from the country music icon, accusing Brown of trying "to get a gag order to silence me" by suing for defamation and requesting a temporary restraining order.
On June 4, the founder of Wild Ride stated, "Zac's response to having his motion summarily denied was to issue a press release doubling-down on his defamatory attacks on me, accusing me of using the lawsuit he filed against me as an ad hoc press release, and vowing to press his meritless lawsuit forward."
"Because it appears, for now, that Zac intends to do just that, it is important to know that I am not a willing participant in that agenda," she continued. "Indeed, I have issued no press release on the circumstances of our pending divorce—only Zac has done so."
Kelly, 33, also noted that she has not used her "limited platform to defame or humiliate Zac," nor has she initiated a lawsuit of her own against the "As She's Walking Away" singer, whom she broke up with in December after just four months of marriage.
"Nevertheless, it remains my hope that we can resolve our separation and eventual divorce like adults, in private, and with respect for each other," Kelly added. "But I will not be threatened or intimidated into submission—if Zac continues to pursue his ill-fated quest for a court injunction to silence me, or again publicly defames me or accuses me of dishonesty, I will meet him in court fully loaded with the truth about what has happened over the course of our relationship."
The frontman of the Zac Brown Band accused his ex-girlfriend of breaking a confidentiality agreement by sharing an Instagram post, according to his lawsuit against Kelly, which NBC News was able to obtain. Although the 45-year-old man did not name the specific Instagram post in his complaint, he did ask for its removal through an emergency temporary restraining order and a court order prohibiting Kelly from "making any defamatory, false, untrue, or otherwise damaging statements."
"I took the steps necessary to enforce an agreement between us to maintain personal and business affairs in confidence and to protect my family from online harassment and speculation," he said in a statement to NBC News. He continued that his "only hope is for us to keep private matters private and to move forward with the mutual respect we had agreed to show one another when we parted ways."