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In the world of fashion, where runway lights cast their glow on the glamorous and the seemingly perfect, Kendall Jenner reveals a different side—one that's marked by vulnerability, loneliness and tears. In a candid conversation with Emma Chamberlain on her podcast, "Anything Goes," the 28-year-old shared the emotional toll that comes with being a global sensation.
"I'm not gonna sit here and say that I've had the toughest journey," Jenner acknowledged. "But I also have had my own set of challenges, whether it's being overworked or not getting a job that I would've really loved to get."
Kendall discussed the loneliness she felt while constantly traveling for modeling gigs. "It is very lonely," she admitted. "I've had really dark nights where I've been in random cities and just hysterically crying myself to sleep because I haven't been home in three months and I've been pretty much alone the entire time."
Jenner also highlighted the conflict between work commitments and personal life. "There's been a lot of definite moments where I'm like, 'What is going on, is this all worth it?'" she said.
Despite the challenges, Jenner finds solace in routines like taking showers, immersing herself in water, and practicing digital detoxes. She remains grateful for her experiences and the opportunity to travel the world through her modeling career saying, "It's really beautiful to be able to travel the world like I have. I probably would have never traveled as much or as far if I didn't have this job. I've met so many amazing people. I feel very grateful for my experience."
In recent years, Jenner has also become an advocate for mental health conversations, sharing her own struggles with anxiety. Her honesty and vulnerability continue to resonate with fans and fellow models alike .

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