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Actress and producer Mindy Kaling has announced the birth of her third child, a daughter named Anne, born in late February. The news, shared on Kaling's Instagram account, caught many by surprise, as the star had successfully kept her pregnancy under wraps.

Kaling, who turned 45 on June 24, expressed her joy, calling Anne "the best birthday present I could've ever imagined." She shared a photo of her newborn alongside her older children, Katherine (6) and Spencer (3), highlighting the positive impact her children have on her life.

This announcement continues Kaling's pattern of maintaining privacy around her pregnancies and children. Her ability to conceal such significant life events has impressed fans and media alike, sparking discussions about celebrity privacy and the evolving nature of social media sharing.

Kaling's approach reflects a growing trend among both celebrities and non-public figures to share less about pregnancies and childbirths on social media platforms. This shift is attributed to various factors, including a desire for increased privacy, protection from public scrutiny, and a focus on personal well-being.

Psychotherapist Anna Marcolin suggests that this trend may be a response to the potential negative impacts of social media, including judgmental comments and privacy concerns. The COVID-19 pandemic has also played a role, normalizing remote work and limited social interactions, which have made it easier to keep pregnancies private.

Despite public curiosity, Kaling has consistently maintained privacy regarding her children's paternity. She has expressed her intention to discuss such matters with her children when they are older, prioritizing their feelings and preferences.

The actress, known for her roles in "The Office" and "The Mindy Project," has been open about the challenges and rewards of single motherhood. In a recent interview, she discussed balancing her career with parenting responsibilities, emphasizing her role as the primary provider for her family.

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