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Hunter Biden, the 53-year-old son of President Joe Biden, was found guilty on three felony counts related to illegally obtaining and possessing a firearm while addicted to drugs in 2018. He now faces up to 25 years in federal prison.
The charges stem from an October 2018 incident when Biden purchased a .38 caliber revolver from a licensed dealer in Wilmington, Delaware. As a person addicted to drugs at the time, he was prohibited from possessing a firearm under federal law. 
"The jury's decision upholds the rule of law," said U.S. Attorney David Weiss, who oversaw the prosecution. "No one is above the law, regardless of their family connections or status."
Biden's defense attorneys had argued the charges were politically motivated, but prosecutors presented overwhelming evidence that Biden lied on the firearm transaction record about his drug use.
An anonymous source "with knowledge of the investigation" told CNN that "the prosecutor's office has voluminous records from Biden's former counselors and those close to him attesting to his addiction battles over the years with substances like crack cocaine."
In a secretly recorded conversation from 2019 played at trial, Biden's former girlfriend Hallie Biden is heard referring to his "drinking a liter of vodka a day" and telling him "you can't buy a gun!"
The jury deliberated for 11 hours before delivering their guilty verdicts. Biden showed little emotion as the forewoman read the decisions.
Rep. James Comer (R-KY), chair of the House Oversight Committee, said the conviction "reaffirms the need for the Biden family to cooperate with my committee's investigation into their shady business dealings."
White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre declined to comment on "any federal case," but said Biden's personal legal issues "will not distract the President from his duties."
As a convicted felon, Biden also faces the loss of certain civil rights like the ability to vote or possess firearms. His sentencing date has not yet been scheduled.  
Biden did not respond to reporters' questions as he exited the courthouse surrounded by federal marshals. All eyes now turn to see if President Biden will pardon his son before he is sent to federal prison.

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