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French cyclist Julien Bernard was fined 200 Swiss francs (205 euros) by the International Cycling Union (UCI) for stopping to kiss his wife during the seventh stage time trial of the Tour de France. The incident occurred fifteen minutes into Friday's time trial in  Bernard's home region of Burgundy.

Bernard paused to greet his wife and young son, who were among a group of family and friends cheering him on.The UCI stated that Bernard's behavior was inappropriate and damaged the image of the sport. In response, Bernard expressed his sentiments on social media platform X (formerly Twitter), saying, "I'm sorry UCI for damaging the image of the sport, but I'm willing to pay 200 Swiss francs every day and experience this moment again".

In a television interview, Bernard described the encounter with his loved ones as a unique and unforgettable moment in his career. "It was really incredible. My wife has been organizing this with some friends for a few weeks now, and she did a really, really good job, "he said". "On a time trial, you have time to enjoy yourself. It's these moments that keep me going and cycling".

Despite the fine, Bernard cherished the emotional support from his family, emphasizing the importance of such moments in his professional journey.

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