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Since the start of the 2024 season, Bruno Fernandes has been nothing short of sensational, amassing involvement in 40 goals for both club and country. This remarkable feat underscores his status as one of the most prolific and influential midfielders in modern football.

Bruno Fernandes' contributions span across various competitions, showcasing his versatility and consistency. For Manchester United, he has been the heartbeat of the team, dictating play from the midfield, scoring goals, and providing assists with regularity. His ability to find the back of the net from open play, set pieces, and penalties has been invaluable. Furthermore, Fernandes has excelled on the international stage with Portugal, where his performances have been pivotal in their Euro 2024 qualification campaign.

Fernandes' involvement in 40 goals is a testament to his all-round capabilities. His tally includes goals scored directly, as well as assists. For Manchester United, he has contributed to their Premier League, Champions League, and domestic cup runs. His knack for arriving late in the box, coupled with his precise passing, has seen him form a formidable partnership with United's forward line. On the international front, Fernandes has been equally effective, helping Portugal with crucial goals and assists in key matches.

Fernandes' incredible form has not gone unnoticed among football pundits. Gary Neville, a former Manchester United captain and respected analyst, commented, "Bruno Fernandes is the epitome of a modern attacking midfielder. His vision and execution are exceptional, and his work rate is second to none. He's a player who thrives under pressure and delivers when it matters most."

Jamie Carragher, another prominent football analyst, echoed similar sentiments, saying, "Fernandes' ability to influence a game is unparalleled. His stats this season speak for themselves. Being involved in 40 goals by this stage is extraordinary. He's not just a scorer or a creator; he's a leader on the pitch."

Former Manchester United legend Roy Keane also praised Fernandes, albeit with his characteristic intensity, "Bruno has been phenomenal. His numbers are outstanding, but it's his mentality and desire that stand out. He demands the best from himself and his teammates."

Fernandes' contributions have been crucial in Manchester United's quest for silverware this season. His leadership on the pitch, combined with his technical skills, has galvanized the team. As United chase domestic and European glory, Fernandes will undoubtedly remain central to their ambitions.

For Portugal, his form is equally promising as they prepare for Euro 2024. Fernandes' ability to perform consistently at a high level gives Portugal a significant boost, and he is expected to play a pivotal role in their campaign.

Bruno Fernandes' involvement in 40 goals since the start of the 2024 season highlights his exceptional talent and importance to both Manchester United and Portugal. His performances have earned him praise from pundits and fans alike, solidifying his reputation as one of the best attacking midfielders in the world. As the season progresses, Fernandes' form will be crucial in determining the success of his club and country.

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