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John Legend and Chrissy Teigen have always been open about their personal lives, sharing both their joys and challenges with their fans. Recently, they opened up about their six-year-old son, Miles, being diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. 
The journey began unexpectedly during a summer camp where Miles, along with many other children, contracted a stomach bug. John Legend recounted, "Literally 80% of the kids got the same stomach bug within a day or two of each other." 
This led to an emergency room visit where doctors noticed irregularities in Miles' blood sugar levels. Initially, there was uncertainty about whether the symptoms were a reaction to the infection or an indication of diabetes. Further tests confirmed that Miles had Type 1 diabetes.
"Chrissy was upset a little bit when she first heard it," Legend said, reflecting on his wife's natural response to the news. Teigen later confirmed the diagnosis on Instagram, posting a photo of Miles wearing an insulin monitor during their trip to Paris for the Olympics.
 "As soon as I learned that he had this, I knew it was going to be life-changing for him and for us, but I'm also like, 'We can do this,'" Legend stated. He emphasized the importance of support and education, noting that they have received great advice and support from various sources to help them navigate this new reality.
Teigen, on her part, has been proactive in learning about the condition and how to manage it. "She's been so good at learning what she needs to do," Legend praised his wife. 
The couple's united front has been their greatest asset in facing this challenge. "This speaks to us feeling like a team," Legend said, highlighting the strength they draw from each other. "It just makes us stronger." 
As for Miles, he is still in the early stages of his diagnosis. Legend explained that during this period, Miles' insulin is still partially functioning, but as the disease progresses, they will need to be more vigilant. 

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