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Matt and Abby Howard are heading straight into another controversy. Married TikTokers who go by the joint account Matt & Abby revealed that they left their two sons, Griffin, age two, and August, age thirteen, asleep in their stateroom while going out to dinner. They added that they were keeping an eye on the boys through FaceTime.

In an Instagram Story that has since expired, Abby said, "We ended up taking them for 5 nights and it became apparent that they weren't enjoying it and therefore we weren't either."

She revealed that the pair, who tied the knot in 2019 while still in their sophomore year of college, changed their eating schedule to coincide with their kids' bedtimes and "facetimed the monitors while we ate."

According to the 25-year-old, "Baby monitors don't work on board unless you're only like 10 feet away."

Writing, "That worked out much better for everyone!" She expressed her satisfaction with the choice she and her 26-year-old husband had made.

But the cohosts of the Unplanned Podcast soon faced criticism on the internet after giving the update.

In a video uploaded on September 15, TikToker yourfinestpardon stated, "Obviously not enough people take true crime seriously." It's horrifying. For example, what would happen if you were to return from dinner unaware of your children's whereabouts? How long would it take you to return to the room in the event of an emergency?"

The couple, Abby and TikTok, have faced backlash for leaving their children alone on a cruise. Users have expressed outrage, with some stating they would be in jail for abandonment if the situation was on land. A source close to the couple confirmed that they were traveling with Abby's family members, who took turns being with the kids, and that baby monitors were used as an additional precaution.

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