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“Shark Tank” star Kevin O’Leary has recently urged young people to prioritize family over finances, advocating for early marriage and more children. In a recent interview, O’Leary, also known as “Mr. Wonderful,” shared his personal regrets about delaying marriage and fatherhood, stating that he wished he had become a parent a decade earlier. He emphasized that while raising children can be expensive, the value of family far outweighs financial concerns.

O’Leary, who married at 36 and has two children with his wife, Linda, expressed that waiting too long to settle down was a mistake. “Family is everything,” he said, encouraging people to find a partner they truly love and start building a family sooner. He emphasized that people should focus less on financial fears and more on relationships, as money issues can be managed but lost time with family cannot be regained.

However, this advice may seem out of touch for many couples struggling with the rising cost of living. In today’s economic climate, factors like inflation, high interest rates, and skyrocketing childcare costs make starting a family a daunting prospect for many. Young parents often face challenges such as reduced savings and retirement funds, particularly when they choose to step back from their careers to focus on raising children.

Despite these challenges, O’Leary has consistently endorsed the idea of prioritizing family. He has also been realistic about the financial strain children can impose, describing them as “very expensive” while still advocating for the long-term emotional benefits they bring. O’Leary has advised against rushing into marriage without proper financial planning, stressing the importance of signing a prenuptial agreement to protect one’s assets given the high divorce rate.

Ultimately, O’Leary’s advice seeks to strike a balance between practical financial caution and the deep rewards of early family life, suggesting that a mix of “care and haste” might be the key to building a fulfilled life.

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